Bath Emollient Benefits: Best Product in the UK
When it comes to skincare products, especially when dealing with our kids' dry skin conditions, you'd go only for the purest, right? This is particularly true when their dry, itchy skin makes them fussy and cranky because you've gone in circles of tries and fails with products that overpromise and underdeliver. If you want to get it right this time, this product might be the rescue you've been waiting for.
Instead of just using natural body wash or soap for your kids and feeling distressed over how their skin condition seems to get drier after every bath, try using Oilatum Junior Bath Additive. It is super soothing on dry skin while protecting it from moisture loss and more.
Take a look at 3 reasons why your kids are sure to love bath time with this bath emollient. You can also click on the link for an up-close on this fantastic product.
5 Impressive Bath Emollient Benefits:
- Helps rehydrate skin.
Dry skin conditions flourish better with daily baths using bath emollient with light liquid paraffin.
Oilatum Junior Bath Additive has light liquid paraffin, which serves as a protective skin barrier, making it water-resistant as it traps moisture in. This allows the skin barrier to rehydrate and recover over time. Your kids' skin will feel soft and supple after every bath.
- Reduces stinging.
Since kids are naturally active, they tend to perspire a lot, and when they do, their dry skin hurts. With their dry skin condition, though, it seems wise to forego one or two baths a week since it strips their skin of its natural oils, causing further dryness and stinging. No. worries. Using Oilatum Junior Bath Additive changes everything. It works wonders on their natural skin barrier by locking in moisture while they enjoy bath time. Reduced stinging even when they perspire is a sign that their skin barrier is recovering.
- Helps prevent infection.
Skin damaged from too much scratching is prone to infection. Liquid paraffin is classified as an occlusive emollient. It acts as a protective film on dry skin and keeps harmful bacteria, viruses, and allergens off the dry, itchy skin.
- Treats severe dry skin conditions.
Oilatum takes it a step further by not only relieving but also treating irritated, dry skin. Oilatum's Junior Bath Additive is specially formulated to do the job. This is why dermatologists highly recommend this product for eczema, dermatitis, and other severe dry skin conditions, for which carers are extremely thankful as they are saved from going through the daunting process of trial and error, searching for the perfect product.
Caring for kids with such skin conditions can be quite a challenge. Studies show that 1 out of 10 mums is reluctant to bathe their child for fear of a flare-up. While 41% have just pretty much given up on skincare products and just opt for a natural remedy such as oatmeal baths to soothe symptoms.
Pediatric Dermatologists recommend the following:
- A thrice-a-week bath routine is good with skin temperature water.
- Baths should not be longer than 5 minutes.
- For easy baths, the best time would be when they are not hungry, tired, or sleepy.
- Choosing products mainly designed for your kids' skin's special needs
Oilatum Junior Bath Additive does not only give relief and treat such skin conditions, but it also improves the well-being of kids suffering from them. It lets them enjoy playtime with water, even for just 5 minutes. Happy kids = happy home.
- Bath times are fun times for kids.
This probably is the best reason for using a bath emollient – happy kids. Being happy does amazing things to the body, including the skin. When the body's feel-good hormones come out to play, it improves blood circulation and helps the oxygen go freely to its every destination in the body. What a way to fast-track healing! Your kids will surely love you more for it!
With a bath emollient, you can extend their bath time, give in with no worries to that, "5 more minutes, Mum" plea you get when your kids are having fun. Even studies suggest a daily emollient bath to keep dry skin hydrated and cleanse off dead skin cells and bacteria. So, you can finally say goodbye to that every other day bath routine, knowing that your kids' skin gets healthier with every bath.
Try skimming through a whole lot of honest to goodness reviews on the web about Oilatum's products, and you'll get this same gist, "tried so many products, got desperate, until they went to the expert (dermatologist or pharmacist) and was recommended a product made by Oilatum, and voila, it works!"
Read up on them, or better yet, visit their website for valuable information on care for dry skin plus access to products for every type of dry skin condition that work. They could have the answers you've been looking for.
Oilatum has been in the industry for 50 years and has gained the trust of skin health professionals globally. What makes them tick is: they're experts on the science of dry skin. They put to good use their thorough understanding of the dry skin cycle by crafting products that get to the root of the problem, thus, breaking the cycle. So if you want an effective product, you can access it here.